Hi all,
  I'm a long time contirbutor (user:Stevage) but a bit quiet of late. I'm
now working as Senior Open Data Specialist at City of Melbourne (email:
opend...@melbourne.vic.gov.au), and have just got approval for our data to
be used in OpenStreetMap.

So: If someone would like to email that address and formally request
permission to use current and future open data in OSM, I'd be very happy to
respond in the affirmative.

Also: is anyone interested in importing any of our data? You can see most
of our public spatial data at maps.melbourne.vic.gov.au (to actually access
it, go to data.melbourne.vic.gov.au). If there is interesting data on the
maps site that's not on the open data portal, we'll prioritise getting it

Perhaps some of the street furniture datasets (bike hoops, water fountains
etc) would be good starting points?

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