I have made a changeset  comment ... I hope they respond.


My Comment is
"The changeset comment "These places are important" is subjective. Far
better to state something like "added park in my local area."

I have added the playgrounds to these parks. I have also refined the boundary 
of Greenlow Park. I hope that is an improvement.

The paths you have added are questionable ... particularly for the

imagery used as that shows little evidence of the paths. The inner path
of Walara Reserve does not connect to anything... and it should.

Be aware that entries like yours are being examined for fictitious
objects to attract Pokemon things .. Please state your source for the
paths you have added."

On 06-Feb-17 09:45 AM, Andrew Harvey wrote:
On 3 February 2017 at 10:08, Graeme Fitzpatrick <graemefi...@gmail.com> wrote:
The ones I looked at were http://osmcha.mapbox.com/45454430/ (the zig-zag
made me wonder?) & http://osmcha.mapbox.com/45454374/ (a nice straight
rectangular path?).
In my opinion, for the first one, it does seem plausible, it cuts
through the tree line, and they did tag it as surface=ground so it
might not be easily seen from imagery. Only way to confirm is on the
ground survey or ask the contributor via a changeset comment. The tag
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:informal could be used if it
only evolved through usage.

The second one looks more suspect, you can't even see a faint trail
from the Mapbox imagery, I would say it's too hard to tell without an
on the ground survey to confirm. Or ask the contributor what the path
there really is like.

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