On 13-Dec-17 10:08 AM, Andrew Harvey wrote:
On 13 December 2017 at 09:31, Philip Mallis <phi...@philipmallis.com <mailto:phi...@philipmallis.com>> wrote:

    I have been considering how to tag parks that allow dogs to be
    off-lead. I’ve had a look through the discussion on a proposed
    feature on OSM Wiki but there doesn’t appear to be a useful

    Does anyone have ideas or a precedent on how to proceed for an
    Australian context?

The wiki indicates that https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:leisure%3Ddog_park is the tag for this.

> leisure=dog_park
> A designated area, with or without a fenced boundary, where dog-owners are permitted to exercise their pets unrestrained

I've used this for both

1. dedicated fenced off areas designed for dogs like https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/429999094. 2. an existing feature which permits dogs off leash like leisure=pitch https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/205137157 overlapping the way for leisure=dog_park https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/457196449

I think for the (2) type that's a good way to map as the area is sometimes a sports field and sometimes a dog park based on the time of day.

I'd be inclined to map;
the pitch as an area - the playing area
any barrier as a way  - probably larger than the playing area
the dog facility as a node.

This would give the renders a fair chance of making a sensible display?
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