That would be the import that Cleary and I did back in 2016 when we got permission to use the NSW LPI data in OSM.

I tag all of the admin_level=10 boundaries place=locality with the intention of going back later and modifying them to match the place value on the place node. However, the place nodes in NSW are in a bit of a mess and could do with a clean up before linking them to the boundaries. I proposed fixing these up back in April 2016 ( but there were licensing problems and mapper resistance to the idea. As a result it moved the job into the "I cannot be bothered dealing with this" category and I moved on to other mapping tasks.

You are welcome to fix these but, as there are about 4500 of these, I wouldn't recommend doing them by hand.

As to checking: I have occasionally gone back and checked to see if there have been changes to the boundaries and updated them. They're pretty stable and if there are changes they are usually listed in the G-NAF release notes.

On 30/01/18 18:27, Joel H. wrote:
Someone has imported all the boundaries for localities into OSM, However most of these have fixme's. (example:

These ask for a center point/node, and to reconsider the place= tag. Would it be a good idea for me to first, make a relation with the label nodes. And then to change the place= tags on the boundaries to match the label nodes?

Keep in mind that the boundaries were imports, and could benefit from closer inspection.

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