Hi All! I have made a response to DNRM, regarding the licensing for locality boarders. Please give a critique before I send!

/Hello [NAME],//
//Thank you for your time and consideration regarding the approval for OpenStreetMap.//
//As a response to your concern over the licence change, it isn’t necessary for DNRM data to be re-licenced as a result of usage in OpenStreetMap. It’s simply about signing a waiver to clarify minor differences in licences. Approving usage in OSM shouldn’t tamper with the goals of DNRM since OSM uses a very similar licence with many of the same philosophical views.//
//The first part that needs approval is whether or not you think our method of Attribution, is sufficient with the “reasonable manner” requirement of the CC-BY 4.0. We credit sources through the following page: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Contributors, It’s also possible to add sources to the objects which are DNRM’s data.//
//The second is to waive Section 2(a)(5)(B) of the CC//
//BY 4.0 license as to OpenStreetMap and its users with the understanding that// //the Open Database License 1.0 requires open access or parallel distribution of//
//OpenStreetMap data.//
//Many organisations such as Brisbane City Council and New South Wales Land and Property Information, have already given permission in the same way that DNRM could.//
//I hope you take the time to reconsider. I’ve attached the PDF that is needed for your review, keep in touch.//
//Joel Hansen//
//Local OpenStreetMap Editor/

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