I'm going to send off a request to see.

On 20 Feb. 2018 1:41 pm, "Daniel O'Connor" <daniel.ocon...@gmail.com> wrote:

>From here, you might be interested in emailing the maintainer and asking if
they will specifically license that dataset as ODBL (
https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/), an open data license suitable
for datasets.

Their standard terms of use are:
*Content sharing*

*All content produced by Transperth on online properties, is protected by
copyright. However, you are encouraged to share our content provided that
you credit us as the source (by including our official social media handle
for the platform you are sharing on, see individual channels for details)
and do not change the sense or misrepresent us.*

They may be open to it, particularly if you explain the use case - import
to openstreetmap; to make available to a wide variety of applications such
as Maps.me, public transport routing tools like OSRM, etc. A good example
of a transport agency already doing this is Adelaide Metro; who both
publish data as GTFS and provide tools based on openstreetmap; their
internal data.

More details on how imports work: https://wiki.

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