Hi Keith,

On 11 April 2018 at 20:53, K C <busht...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It seems to me that there are external links to a variety of websites in
> some of the WA OSM data. I draw your attention to the Department of Parks
> and Wildlife. That website too is copyright like every website in AU. I see
> no permissions sought as to whether the DPaW allows a map contributor to
> look at a photo on their website or glean some information as to whether
> there are toilets at a particular spot.

Oh external links aren't a problem. That's exactly what
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:website is for, OSM data consumers
can use that to point people to semi-official websites with more
information about objects in OSM.

You're right, the OpenStreetMap community respects the copyright of others
(and we are conservative so we don't try to push the limits of what we
think a court will uphold either) so we can't use copyrighted photos
without the right permissions to glean some information from.

That said it would be great people open up geotagged images to allow the
OSM community to use them as part of their mapping (like via Mapillary or
other platforms). Of course if they are your photos, you're free to use
information from them in OSM.

> Unfortunately I don't think they are going to upload their images to a
> site offshore either. You will find they use images from third parties with
> the appropriate permissions to display on their website. I display data
> from another large organisation that is funded by the WA Government. I
> asked permission to "link" to their particular pages via google maps and
> they replied with some html to insert into the balloon and said that was
> fine. My reason was that their information was very relevant to these
> remote beaches for people to be made aware of the danger at the particular
> beach in question.
> There is no breach of copyright if you look at a photo and then make an
> observation about the photo. There may be in other countries but not in AU.
> There is a breach of copyright if some one took that photo as their own and
> uploaded it to a photo sharing site etc. I choose to leave those images on
> my server and not anyone else's. Those "links" to the photo's are there for
> you the end user to see and understand what that 4wd surface actually is.
> Trust me you have people drawing ways in places that the unsuspecting
> commuter could end up in some serious shit.

It's pretty well accepted in OpenStreetMap that we take a whiter than white
approach to copyright and database copyright laws, meaning we don't glean
information from copyrighted photos and use that to update OSM, even if it
might be okay in one particular jurisdiction. This is evidenced by the fact
that you can't look at Google Street to gain information about data
uploaded to OSM.

> I will remove the instances of viewpoints/coastal vistas etc and stick to
> actually just detailing the actual track surfaces and other factors
> relating to the actual track.

If there are viewpoints there that you've surveyed personally or otherwise
know about from sources which we can use in OSM, please leave them in OSM
and I hope you choose to keep contributing that kind of information, it's
incredibly useful to those using OSM, myself included!
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