I'm investigating the possibility of importing NSW Public Schools data
into OpenStreetMap in line with the Import Guidelines

At this stage I'm seeking buy in from the local community as well as
feedback on my plan, before taking it to the imports list. Please refrain
from jumping the gun by importing this data before this review has been

The data is CC BY 4.0 licensed (although the link above says only CC BY,
I've confirmed via email that it is CC BY 4.0) and the OSMF CC BY waiver
has been completed

1. Attribute Mapping

Here is a sample of the attribute mapping I've applied, I'd appreciate any
feedback on this.

    // Although generally on public land, access to public school grounds
is similar to any other private property, you can be there by invitation
and you can walk up to the front door but the owner/school can ask you to
leave at any time.
addr:city=Crows Nest
    // suburb
    // Based on enrolment numbers, although they aren't necessarily equal I
think in lieu of better information it serves as a good placeholder
    // derived from the email, but looks fine
contact:fax=+61 2 9957 6310
contact:phone=+61 2 9955 1565
    Public schools don't have compulsory fees to attend, unlike most
private schools.
    Upstream uses Infants, Primary, Secondary which are mapped to the
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:isced:level levels 0, 1, 2-3
name=North Sydney Boys High School
operator=NSW Department of Education
    // being part of the NSW Public Schools dataset implies they are
operated by the NSW Department of Education which in tern implies they are
public schools
    // these references although not necessary might make it easier to keep
data in sync with future upstream updates
  // mixed, male, female
  // yes, no, partial
  // agricultural, languages, arts, comprehensive (most)

A question is should we apply the source tag to the changeset or the
object. What should we do with the existing source tag? If it's obvious it
relates to the geometry I suggest it be moved to source:geometry, otherwise
I'd suggest it be deleted (it's still there in the history). Though a
specific source:name tag should be retained.

I'm proposing to use on the changeset tag:

source=NSW CESE Public Schools Master Dataset

Along with a comment pointing to this thread.

2.  Import Plan

To make importing the data easier, I've put together a basic web
application at
Based on matches identified by distance to nearest school within 200m you
can see which tags will change. It uses the JOSM Remote Control to load the
change into JOSM where the final upload(s) will take place.

My import plan is to go through this and and apply the changes or edit them
manually as necessary. In cases where tags conflict I plan to open
changeset comments to ask the author to determine what to do.

I plan to use an dedicated imports account.

I plan to add the attribution to the Contributors page.

Most public primary schools have interchangeable names "Foo Primary School"
and "Foo Public School". If a different name is already tagged, I propose
we move it to alt_name, that makes the names consistent, but also means
that it might not match the name used on the ground. What do people think
about this?

All the code and cached versions of the data files are available at

Some stats...

Total features from OSM: 2636 (1649 matched, 987 unmatched)
Total features from Upstream: 2209 (1713 matched, 496 unmatched)

Of most interest are those 496 features from the upstream dataset not found
in OSM, but the other 1713 are still of interest as they add a lot of
missing tags to the existing objects in OSM. I haven't yet looked through
the "schools" we have in OSM but the dataset doesn't have, because the vast
majority will be private schools, and not things we need to investigate

I'm aware there are a number of "schools" in the upstream data we might not
consider schools for OSM for example "Field of Mars Environmental Education
Centre", "Royal National Park Environmental Education Centre" as the
students attending here are likely on excursion. However given the wiki
says "place where pupils, normally between the ages of about 6 and 18 are
taught under the supervision of teachers.", I think we should include them.

There are a number of schools for the disadvantaged, disabled, etc. and in
hospital schools not currently mapped in OSM, importing this data means we
can include more of these kinds of schools. Unfortunately they aren't
tagged as such so they appear the same, but I still think it's better to
have them than not.
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