On 05/05/18 04:10, osm.talk...@thorsten.engler.id.au wrote:

This user, which on his user page says "I am proud to be in Microsoft Open Maps team." 
Has been making a lot of "Fixed geometry" changesets.

I made a changeset comment to which I didn't get a reply, so I send a direct 
message to the user on 29th April to which I also didn't get a replay.

They haven't done anything in OSM in the last 8 days; maybe they saw your messages, forgot about them, and then went on holiday?  Or it might just be that their email isn't getting delivered*.  If they come back to OSM and don't reply then drop the DWG an email and we'll be able to let them know that people are trying to get in contact.  The "I've seen a problem; what should I do?" bit of https://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Data_Working_Group should help.

Best Regards,

Andy (from the DWG)

* insert your own outlook/hotmail joke here

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