On 24/06/18 16:20, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:

The latest (?) upgrade to iD reformatted the address fields to suit Oz addresses & also introduced a State field to be entered.

Question & policy decision needed here please :-)

Queensland / Qld / QLD?

How should we be entering our State names?

Well the 'rules' for names say no abbreviations.

Much as we commonly use the abbreviations... for me the abbreviation is Qld. But Australia Post wants capitals .. I suppose they are easier for the machines to read them? See page 24 (26 on the PDF reader) on https://auspost.com.au/content/dam/auspost_corp/media/documents/australia-post-addressing-standards-1999.pdf

There you  go, an 'all ways' bet. :)
 I'd go no abbreviation.

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