There is a movement at the moment on the FOSS4G Oceania mailing list,, by the group who
organised the recent FOSS4G SotM Oceania conference, looking to get a
bit more organised through some kind of governance and organisation

Their proposal is to setup an OSGeo Oceania entity against the terms
of reference at

The rationale behind this originally stemmed from a desire for an
organisation to run our regional joint FOSS4G and SotM conference, but
the proposal is for "Its purpose is to foster the growth of the
geospatial open source & open data community in the Oceania region,
including the oversight and stewardship of a FOSS4G & SotM Conference

The proposed OSGeo Oceania entity would be similar to the German
FOSSGIS eV which is both the German OSMF Local
Chapter and the Open Source Geospatial organisation.

The OSGeo Oceania terms of reference explicitly state the intention to
become an OSMF Local Chapter, so I feel it's
important the whole community here is aware and has the opportunity to
get involved.

Personally I think a local chapter is a good thing, it can be used to
foster the growth of OpenStreetMap within Australia, New Zealand and
the pacific islands. On my personal wish list:

1. Set up a local HOT Tasking Manager to be used locally for all kinds
of mapping coordination, including post disaster

2. LGA level extracts, this will hopefully make OSM data even more
accessible by local government and help promote OpenStreetMap within
local government

3. Take control of though the OpenStreetMap
trademark in Australia that OSMF holds

4. A rendering of the OSM Carto style but showing indigenous names.

5. Provide a contact point for government

I have concerns too:

1. Have we reached out to the pacific islands OpenStreetMap community?
If we're starting a Local Chapter that includes them, they need to be
involved in it. (This email is one step to try to get the Australian
and New Zealand communities involved)

2. An OSMF Local Chapter for our region should have the goal to foster
the growth of the OpenStreetMap project within our region. In my
opinion this should include supporting OpenStreetMap within
proprietary software and services, so long as in line with the
OpenStreetMap license. A joint OSGeo Oceania should be okay with
supporting OpenStreetMap and even promoting it together with non free
and open source geospatial software.

3. Funding and money. Funds could be raised through individual
memberships like OSMF and organisation supporters/sponsors. At the
moment the OSGeo Oceania terms of reference don't go into that detail,
it's mostly around running the conference. I'm unsure how the funds
raised would flow into funds distributed, would a sponsor or member be
able to choose if they want their contribution allocated towards just
OpenStreetMap, just free and open source software, or both? What about
at a country level?

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