As far as I can tell train=yes is an access tag saying trains are allowed,
which seems implied by railway=station. Do you have any other references
which explain what the train=yes tag is for and what it implies in this

I agree wheelchair=yes on the station is quite broad, certainly the
detailed indoor footway mapping which exists at central goes much further
to document exactly what the wheelchair access is. At the high level I
think it's fair to assume that at the top level it just means that the
station and all its platforms is accessible via wheelchair, which I think
it is.

It can be useful for people consuming OSM data to at a glance see which
stations are wheelchair accessible and not.

Sydney Terminal, I believe, is only used for the country train services. In
this context it's still referring to the train station, and not the
platform but I think you could make an argument either way.

The boundary shouldn't be theoretical, per OSM the boundary should be from
the rail perspective where the entry/exit signals are, with the
public_transport tag mapping the station from the passengers perspective.
I'm not sure how anyone would know this without being an actual train
driver or with insider knowledge.

iD warnings might need fixing in this case, but I haven't looked at them in
detail so I'm not sure.

On Wed, 27 Mar 2019 at 11:02, Sebastian Spiess <> wrote:

> Am 2019-03-26 11:54, schrieb Andrew Harvey:
> > On Thu, 14 Mar 2019 at 11:43, Warin <> wrote:
> >
> >> If is to be the
> >> railway=station then it needs to be expanded to include the are of
> >>
> >
> > I've expanded the landuse=railway area to include the main buildings.
> > I've also moved the railway=station to the whole landuse area, and
> > created a new public_transport way which is a bit smaller for Central,
> > per
> >
> > I understand this is a big change, so if there's any issues with doing
> > this let's work them out.
> >
> > I haven't migrated the relation members which used the old
> > railway=station build across yet.
> Thanks for your work on this.
> Question: any reason the was
> not tagged with train=yes as per the linked wiki page?
> Also, wheelchair=yes might be too broad and not specific enough to be
> actually helpful.
> I would think that the alt_name=Sydney Terminal should only be on actual
> platform or buildings. Boundaries such like way/34891023 (above) are
> rather theoretical. I see it as a likely scenario  that the alt_name
> might be used by data consumers to perform routing.
> It looks like some of the footpaths on the platforms need more work as
> iD is complaining about them crossing 'Station'.
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