> I have tagged a variety of well known art sites in Kakadu.
I have tagged them as historic=archeological site, documented here
<https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:historic%3Darchaeological_site> and
that is clearly approriate.
Also tagged as tourism=artwork documented here
<https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:tourism=artwork> and I believe
this to be appropriate as they constitute public art with touristic
significance - you travel as a tourist to this area and a major drawcard is
the rock art. They are in the public space.

The issue about the sacred-ness -it is not the job of OSM to make this
call. If you think an item is too private to map (perhaps such as a farmers
internal road network) then don't map it. Tthis is the mappers call.

I don't understand the discussion about rock shelters. They are a creation
of nature and happen everywhere. Who cares whether you cook in them or
merely seek shelter from the weather. I would suggest creating rock art
takes more than a day and therefore they were all cooking sites.

Ancient art in its pure manifestation is of historic significance as well
as fascinating to many people.

> > Are you only tagging those sites that are open & already advertised as
> > tourism sites?
> >
> > I think that would be the safest way of doing it, because they are
> > considered sacred sites, so we should be taking care to not show the
> > location of things that the local peoples may not want shown?
> >
> The ones I've seen mapped so far are well signposted and marked out, widely
> accepted as public knowledge.
> -------------- next part --------------
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