Adelaide Mapup 4 Summary




Another highlight was half an hour chatting with Punya, an attendee of the
second mapup. He's now back in Turkey mapping for the UN, on a team
assisting internally displaced Syrians. We spoke to him by video at the
bar, then out the front on the footpath, then finally out the back where it
was quiet... must have been quite funny seeing us all running around the
hotel together. We made it work in the end.

It was a privilege to have his summary of the work of his department,
including the challenge of building country level datasets from government
and open sources like Datasets which are trustworthy
and comprehensive enough to support UN operations. He said that there
remains a functioning government in Syria and they were able for example to
get from them administrative boundaries but nothing else like roads or
rivers. Interesting to see the struggles we all face as GIS specialists
even exist for the one of the largest mapping forces in the world, the UN!

Due to a lack of official data, he said they depend on OSM and therefore he
was grateful to us for the enthusiasm we have for running a mapathon in a
couple of weeks' time to begin to improve the map in a rural area where a
large displacement of ~300,000 people recently occurred.

It is interesting to know that this conflict and human impact is still
happening on such a scale. The world's eye has turned to other trouble
spots like Hong Kong recently, with a perception that since DAESH was
defeated there is no more strife. We will be in touch throughout the next
two weeks to keep the momentum going. We will plan to maximise our impact
whilst producing data in a timely fashion for his team as they respond to
this latest massive displacement event.


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