Hi, while I won't be attending I wanted to say that this is a great initiative.
Thanks for initiating it.

On 17 June 2019 7:13:31 pm AEST, adam steer <adam.d.st...@gmail.com> wrote:
>Hi folks
>Following from an earlier discussion [1] on osgeo-oceania about
>emissions which are incurred by getting to FOSS4G SotM Oceania, there’s
>been a long chat in the Maptime Australia slack channel about creating
>low-carbon conference.
>This has also been raised as an issue for the global FOSS4G [2].
>The upshot of the conversation is that we’re looking at ways to
>our impact on the planet using something other than throwing money at
>offsetters [3].
>With that in mind, I’ve sent enquiries to Bush Heritage Australia [4]
>the NZ Native Forest Regeneration Trust [5] about donating an amount to
>work toward landscape-scale forest and biodiversity restoration - since
>buying acres of maybe-never-planted monoculture is really not a
>(see [3]).
>The idea is that the conference uses some of its budget (amount TBA) to
>‘offset’ the event. Since the event is in NZ, the main carbon source is
>travel - so I’ll do some modelling work to estimate travel GHG
>based initially on 2018 attendees and refining as we go.
>If you have any useful tools to hand for that task to hand, I’d
>hearing about them (or better! collaboration!). John Bryant already
>suggested this one:
>If you know any other ‘boots on ground’ organisations we should
>also please let us know.
>of a discussion)
>[4] https://www.bushheritage.org.au
>[5] https://www.nfrt.org.nz
>Dr. Adam Steer
>+61 427 091 712 ::  @adamdsteer
>Suits are bad for business:
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