Hi Gream,
I've been thinking the same back when Google upped their prices. 

This is what I understand and I'm happy to be corrected.

OSM (and their infrastructure) is not intended to be used as tile server for 
(commercial?) Tile consumers. If you search for it OSM has in the past disabled 
access to load hungry tile consumers, think apps etc.

The idea is that osm provides the data. Tile consumers should either engage 
with a 3rd party that provides tiles (e.g. geofabrik or MapQuest or...) Or set 
up their own tile renderer.

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

On 25 July 2019 8:30:27 am AEST, Graeme Fitzpatrick <graemefi...@gmail.com> 
>OT to this particular problem, but still sort of on this subject ...
>One of the aircraft tracking sites I use
>http://aussieadsb.com/VirtualRadar/desktop.html# has mentioned in this
>week that they have changed their background from Google Maps to OSM,
>due to much increased use of their site while Ex *Talisman Sabre* is
>they had passed their allowed limit for use of Google Maps (28000 / 
>& it was now going to cost them $3000 / month !
>Is there any established "marketing / advertising" link to push OSM for
>similar sites / groups?
>& yes, they have attributed us correctly! :-)
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