> Frederick,

   If I use the term bush walking colloquially, then it means to use a
track that already exists., either single track or 4wd track (fire trail)
predominantly however there might be times where you cross a grass land
where there is no well defined track.

If you are talking about walking through a forest not on a track or the
track is hideously overgrown than I would call that "bush bashing".  The
term hiking has connotations mainly of trails with the odd bit of bush
bashing included.

Large wombats and kangaroos who can create tracks in sparse undergrowth
that is hard to tell from a man-made walking trail on the ground. Another
issue is old bulldozer tracks or firefighter tracks that were used to stop
wild fires (sometimes called mineral earth breaks). Normally these are
removed post the wildfire but sometimes only at the start of the new track.

In the brochure, that sounds like I should stay on the trails.if walking

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