On Mon, Sep 16, 2019 at 3:55 PM Andrew Harvey <andrew.harv...@gmail.com>

> I have no reason to think otherwise, but would it really matter...?

Was just wondering if some sort of department policy was written up to
handle likely multiple emails about this topic with a templated email
response, or if the decision was reviewed again with your last email.

I don't. But to be fair, providing the exception for parallel distribution
> could be considered re-licensing, I'm not a lawyer so I'm not sure, but it
> may be because of this they do see it as re-licensing.
True, but that quote was that they wouldn't relicense under the ODbL. I
hadn't really thought about it as relicensing, but by definition removing a
clause would be a modified license. Interesting that heaps of other
agencies are granting OSM a modified license, obviously in addition to
everyone else getting it under CCBY4.

CCBY4 Clause:
>> > *No downstream restrictions*. You may not offer or impose any
>> additional or different
>> > terms or conditions on, or apply any Effective Technological Measures
>> to, the
>> > Licensed Material if doing so restricts exercise of the Licensed Rights
>> by any recipient
>> > of the Licensed Material.
> That's it, as I understand it ODbL says you can provide data with these
> technical restrictions so long as a parallel version is made available
> without the technical restrictions. CC BY says you can't have any technical
> restrictions, even if you make a parallel version without the technical
> restrictions.
The OSMF waiver asks for the licensor to allow copy protection on
derivative works. IANAL but am unclear which part of the CCBY4 clause
prevents copy protection on your derivative works if you in parallel
provided all CCBY4 "Licensed Material" unrestricted.

> [...] the Licensed Material *if doing so restricts* exercise of the
Licensed Rights by any recipient of the Licensed Material

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