What are the Facts?
> ‘Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.’> — 
> Daniel Patrick Moynihan
I have decided to publish the discussion brief in two parts: “The Facts” and 
then “The Issue”. This is me telling you I am going to do that. I will send you 
the first part tomorrow.
"The Facts" is a summary of information from various relevant sources in OSM 
Wiki, laws and regulations that apply to the ACT and any other information of a 
factual nature which may help clarify “The Issue.”
In principle, the facts should be straight forward.
The first step is the pick through what we know and clarify, confirm and remove 
any errors that have crept into the brief. This information creates a level 
playing field of knowledge.
Your comments are more than welcome. To quote OSM Wiki, “be bold.”
If you think any of the information is in error, please try to provide the 
correct information and preferably with a link, or at least mention the source 
of this information. At every level in OSM, it always comes back to the 
principle of “verifiable”. It is easy to get things wrong when we are relying 
on memory.
Please stick to critiquing the facts and not getting off-topic. I will process 
your feedback at the end of the calendar day and integrate the information into 
the brief or correct it as is required.
The updated and corrected facts section will be published with the full brief 
including “The Issue” on the following day.
The same is true for the quality definition. A word can have many meanings. 
This is why the OSM technical definition is so valuable.
The purpose of the quality definition is to define in OSM terms, for example, 
what a shared bike path is, within the context of its information provided in 
“The Facts”. In other words, we cannot have a quality definition that is 
illegal under ACT law or unfit for purpose.
Coming tomorrow 24/9/2019
The Facts for Discussion C: Two steps forward and one step back: confusion 
about tagging bike tracks in the ACT
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