# Discussion F: landuse=residential

## The Issue

I am very interest in improving quality and consistency. In this case, the 
question is inconsistent or incomplete? I have discovered that many residential 
areas have still not been mapped.

### Specifics: landuse=residential

There is a land usage type with the tag RESIDENTIAL. It shows as dark grey 
(Mapnik) or brown (HikeBikeMap) on the maps. For both Mapnik and HikeBikeMap, 
the blank areas are shown in light grey. There is a preset for it in the 
editors. It is shown as a distinct yellow in the ID editor.

### The problem is incomplete

I have audited the land use in the ACT. Only about half of the residential 
areas in the ACT have currently been mapped, and the other half have not. Is 
this inconsistent or incomplete? Is the glass half-full or half-empty? Has this 
become the standard or is it the exception?

I think we should define it as the standard and try to get the other suburbs up 
to scratch. It is easy to do. Some suburban areas where the have been already 
mapped. The areas are visible on the satellite photos.

### The problem of inconsistent

It is possible to see on the map that "people live there" (landuse=residential) 
without drawing all the houses (building=house) on the map. There are some 
suburbs in Canberra where every house has been traced onto the map: see 
Wanniassa and Oxley in Canberra’s south: 

This exceeds the scope of what can be done with the approximate 24 mappers that 
work in the ACT. Some developers do this already but the ACT Suburban Land 
Agency (https://suburbanland.act.gov.au/en/) is not one of them. They only sell 
the blocks, not build the houses. It makes sense to map buildings for every 
government building and office building. I don’t care if my house is on the map.

### Limiting the scope

The ACT government has prescribed that the ACT Suburban Land Agency will build 
for the coming four financial years 6588, 12261, 10000, 15000 mixed-use 
dwellings. Where do you stop zooming in? On ACTmapi Images 2019 you can see the 
mirror on a motor vehicle. Whether every garden shed should be map is otherwise 
very questionable. Street numbering can be done otherwise. (Street numbering in 
Canberra is woeful.)

### Definition of the scope

I would say landuse=residential is generally all that is required as a minimum 

### How should landuse=residential be mapped?

I have not had the time to review OSM Wiki on this, unfortunately. What I have 
seen in the editor is that some mappers have mapped the whole suburb with one 
polygon, while others have mapped every city block. The latter sort of makes 
sense as land is released for auction, city blocks at a time. The suburbs are 
built in stages (four for Whitlam). Each stage is sold separately. Sill other 
mappers have used a hybrid approach, somewhere in between these two options.


How is the best way to approach this?

I welcome your comments.
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