Recently I have been talking to someone off-list about monitoring large or
complex relations. In his instance, he was looking to monitor a 1200km
relation in Western Australia for any accidental vandalism and to be on top
of any changes yet to be conveyed in the official map of the route.

This was a little more complex than first imagined as the data returned
from the data changes was so large it couldn't be loaded in memory It's
probably due to the significant number of changes AND the significant
number of road segments AND other shorter relations used so the import went
on a crash diet.

Each night we check for changes and email a link that allows the curator to
review the new changes if any occur

Would anyone be interested in monitoring a small collection of objects for
changes on a daily basis? If so, let me know off-line and I may consider
making the process more versatile and user-fed using your OSM login post

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