I agree with Warin's comments.

Some years ago someone did a mass import from a public-domain website with 
"airport" information. Personally I think of an airport as a location which is 
accessible to the public and which offers regular commercial flights.  Most of 
the "airports" shown in Australia are private runways which are used only in 
medical emergencies or if local roads are unusable for an extended period.  
Some are almost compeletely disused and some cannot be found in the satellite 
imagery.  Many do not have boundaries - as Warin noted. I would be concerned at 
mapping non-existent features.  I expect most of the "airports" are like the 
example cited at Kulin WA.  OSM also shows another aeroway node a few 
kilometres away from that location, this second one being for the Kulin Bush 
Races, which are held on one weekend each year. The runway appears to be on a 
farm located near the racetrack and there appear to be no boundaries that could 
be mapped.

I support mapping boundaries that actually do exist, provided we have the 
relevant information. But I expect this will be a small proportion of all the  
airports or aerodromes on the map.

On Wed, 25 Dec 2019, at 11:26 AM, Nemanja Bracko (E-Search) via Talk-au wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> We would like to manually add polygons around airports in whole 
> Australia. We have added polygons for very few airports that were 
> marked just with a single node.
> By using THIS <https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/Pe6> OverPass-Turbo link, 
> you can see that there are nearly 1,200 airports that needs to be 
> inspected.
> We could recognize that other map competitors have properly marked most 
> of these airports as polygons.
> Anyway, we have doubt should we add polygons in the following situation(s):
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/73310214
> There are no control tower nor any other buildings. It has a proper 
> name Kulin Airport @-32.6721992, 118.1689987.
> Should we add a polygon in such cases?
> Please note that *we won’t add any polygons* if the 
> airport/airstrip/runway is on the water.
> We believe that there is no need to preserve both way and a node of the 
> same feature. Especially because that node is somewhere at the center 
> of the airport and it doesn’t represent entry of the airport area or 
> entry of some building. Example should be Hamilton Airport @  
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/407705915. We would merge existing 
> node of the airport in to polygon of the same polygon and we would 
> remove tags from the merged node.
> If we are adding new polygon, we would preserve existing airport node 
> by keeping this node as a part of the new polygon.
> Thanks in advance for the answers!
> Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,
> Nemanja
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