On 05/01/2020 00:39, Dion Moult wrote:
I came across some feedback on the quality of RapID in Australia:


"detecting walls as roads" was pretty much the original problem with Facebook AI additions to OSM (in Egypt), and that had to be completely reverted.  That situation is different to this though - with their current version they're using humans to sanity check the suggested additions and press the button, so _hopefully_ we won't see the same issues as then.

That said, in other circumstances ("suggested tag edits" by iD and some of the ropier MapRoulette challenges) we do see some pretty iffy human-validated edits going through, so it does make sense to keep an eye on these.

On Sun, Jan 05, 2020 at 11:34:04AM +1100, Sebastian Spiess wrote:

    it is now, however it seems they did not use the NSW LPI images but
    their own...

    Australia 2019-12-30 Facebook's Map With AI - Maxar Imagery

That's also an issue on the other side of the world in the UK.  I had a look at an army base up the road from me that had lots of unmapped service roads on it.  RapiD did detect some of the missing roads (and to be fair I didn't see many false positives), but what it did detect was significantly offset from "known good" imagery.  Again, I guess an experienced mapper could correct that, but it might need a bit of education first.

Best Regards,


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