Hi Graeme, glad I feed your 'needs'.

I would add a closed way for every continuous row / line of panels. 15
rectangles for the roof top you found.
Each rectangle is updated to set generator:solar:modules
to the number of modules the rectangle represents.

On 5/1/20 2:20 pm, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:
> Been following with interest - after all, don't we all need something
> /else/ to map ‽ :-) 
> Please have a look at 
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/edit?way=631189377#map=19/-33.81607/150.99852 ,
> which I spotted while fixing phone numbers.
> So would you draw individual boxes around each of those 15 sets of
> panels & tag each one as a separate node?
> Thanks
> Graeme

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