It'd be like trying to tag plots in landuse=forest as felled or mature.
While it'd be interesting it would quickly become unreliable and reduce the
quality of data.

So while I would love to have burnt areas mapped in OSM I just think it's
not worth trying.

Nathanael Coyne

On Tue, 28 Jan 2020 at 09:44, adam steer <> wrote:

> I’d  personally avoid tagging areas as burnt - they’re temporary and as
> per advice from Andrew maybe should be left tagged as their long term state.
> Looking around where I am (Benambra and north) there are already a lot of
> overlapping/duplicated/whats this for polygons relating to land cover… it’d
> be great to avoid adding more.
> I guess if people want to add burned areas, my only suggestion is that
> whoever does so takes it upon themselves to return and update things later…
> Regards,
> Adam
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