Hi Andrew,

I attempted in GovHack 2018 competition to prototype a system for merging the 
two data sources OpenStreetMap and private frequently changing temporary data 
for rapid field deployment.

It is doable but I avoided your major issue (given the time) of having my 
private layer actually interact with the OSM layer by only having temporary 
buildings and nodes in my private layer so they are all on the same map but 

I’d suggest that you develop some sort of automated process to conflate your 
private data with OSM data. When you get conflicts you’ll need to manually edit 
your private data. E.g. You have your culvert for example as a node in your 
private data and you give it a tag that you expect to merge it with OSM way 
1234566 and automatically split the way in the combined data set.

https://github.com/softgrow/EngineC6 Concept Code
Team video seems unavailable at the moment, I’ll get on to that.


From: Andrew Hughes <ahhug...@gmail.com>
Date: Thursday, 9 July 2020 at 10:32 am
To: OSM Australian Talk List <talk-au@openstreetmap.org>
Subject: [talk-au] Non-Contributed Information Related to Ways?

Hi Again All,

We would like to investigate how we should store information which is related 
to ways given the following:

+ Some specific information we are looking to store is to meet our needs. We do 
have every intention to offer and promote the data through open source. 
However, they're fit for our purposes and won't be a popular item. So, I don't 
see us contributing these back directly...

+ Some of the information we are looking to store will need to be authored in 
accordance with legal requirements (basically, the person who says "You can 
drive a Sherman tank on this road" is allowed to do so, and not some 
unauthorized individual contributing via OSM). So in this case, we need to 
control who can create the related information.

To me the above seems like "private tags", happy to discuss that in isolation 
(and not really sure how/if that can be done). However...

+ We may need to "split" a single road segment into 2 or 3 segments to 
accurately model our relationships geographically - this would be contributed 
back to OSM. If there is something like a culvert (with a weight limit) half 
way along the road that won't support the tank then, yes we can split the road 
and tag the middle section as a Culvert and maybe the maxWeight and that would 
be contributed back to OSM and we would get our 3 segments + culvert & weight 
tags. But what if that mid segment is only needed as a segment for our 
purposes.. like "The adjacent property owner complained to the council about 
noise, so you can't drive your Sherman tank here"?  In which case... we could 
go split the road into 3 and contribute back, but others will see no reason as 
to why this was done? and I don't know what happens then? If I saw that, I'd 
think they should be dissolved back to 1 segment. I'd consider "area" based 
relationships, but they are really tricky around intersections and prone to 
failure. Particularly when the geometry is subject to so much change (i.e. turn 
out lane added...)

Plus (and probably less complicated)...
+ We need to detect/flag when our "private" information has a broken/orphaned 
"relationship" with OSM (ways). Because a way was deleted, split, merged... 
e.t.c... then we can repair the relationship.

Given all of the above, I would really appreciate any insight/suggestions 
anyone has.

Sorry if my explanation isn't the best... I hope it made sense.

Thanks for reading,
A Hughes.

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