On 25/8/20 8:01 pm, cleary wrote:
This issue was raised on this list some time ago, perhaps four or five years, maybe more. 
 I am one of the mappers who has added "leisure=nature reserve" to many 
protected areas since that time.  While tagging for the renderer is generally 
discouraged, a map without protected areas was perceived as a worse outcome.

I have not gone back to search the precise discussion. However it is my recollection that, at the time of 
that list discussion, no "protected areas" were being rendered on the map and it was advised that 
this was unlikely to change for quite some time. National parks, conservation parks, nature refuges etc etc 
by various names are substantial and significant additions to the map. It was tragic that they were not being 
rendered unless tagged as "boundary=national park" or "leisure=nature reserve".

I've done a little hunting and you are correct, protected areas are still not 
being rendered.

It is my recollection that, although not all protected areas are intended for leisure, it 
was considered preferable to include the "leisure=nature reserve" tag for 
protected areas classes one to six until such time as protected areas were rendered on 
the map.

If the rendering situation for "protected areas" has changed, then I am open to removing 
the "leisure=nature reserve" tags.  However if removing the tags leads to complete 
removal of the areas from the map, then I think it remains one of the few areas where we tolerate 
tagging for the rendering outcome.

OK. 'They' are working on it but still no cigar.

I remain opposed to other tags intended to achieve particular shades of green or other 
colours on the map,  I also agree that natural features such as "natural=wood" 
etc be mapped separately as they are rarely bounded precisely by the boundaries of the 
protected area.

Problem then becomes mapping the tree area.
I might do that misusing scanaerial as a first pass to get a rough map of the 
That should remove the tree tagging from protected areas and have the tree area 
mapped at least roughly.

On Tue, 25 Aug 2020, at 8:59 AM, Warin wrote:

I have come across a new mapper that has changed the tagging to change
the shading.. i.e. tagging for the render.

See https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/89852186

However .. onĀ  looking around ...

It looks like many of the protected areas have, in the past been tagged
this way!!!

See https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/56255423

The tag nature reserve was applied in 2010.

The tag forest was applied in 2012.

My thoughts...

Both tags should be removed..

The "protected areas" are rendered in a certain way and that rendering
should not be artificially changed by adding other tags.

Certainly tagging the tree area ... fine but I find it hard to see why
the surrounding tree area is left unmapped.

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