Hi Ian:

There are government data, which if they make their way into OSM, is the very 
definition of an import.  Sometimes these data are of such importance, quality 
or both, the community nods our head and we say, "yes, import these data" and 
it happens.  It is acknowledged that data sources, including these, are a 
snapshot in time, and do age, requiring updates for our map to be a realistic 
and accurate-today representation of reality.

There are satellite / aerial imagery, of various vintages, these sources are 
used to add data to our map database frequently, we might even say 
"constantly."  That is also a methodology the community finds acceptable; 
imagery layers (and new ones we have the rights to use, and technical 
instructions on how to enable them in the editor of your choice...) truly 
abound in OSM.  It is acknowledged that data sources, including these, are a 
snapshot in time, and do age, requiring updates for our map to be a realistic 
and accurate-today representation of reality.

There are "ground-truthed" (verified by humans in the real world) data, 
completely independent of data published by a government (whether written or 
electronic) or satellite / aerial imagery.  Many (most? all?) consider these 
data to be a superior form of input into our map.  It is acknowledged that data 
sources, including these, are a snapshot in time, and do age, requiring updates 
for our map to be a realistic and accurate-today representation of reality.

I realize I'm not directly answering your question.  I find your spirit and 
intention to be earnest and good, but I haven't looked at either dataset 
(existing or to-be-presented-and-entered), so I don't make a judgement about 
their suitability or quality.  So as you ask whether it's "OK to pursue," I 
hope I've given you feedback which you find valuable to consider about might 
next be best.

You might also consider making a MapRoulette [1] task, which crowdsources the 
effort across many Contributors, possibly reducing any propensity of yours to 
"go bonkers."  I wish you the best in your efforts to enter high-quality, 
"fresh" data!


[1]  https://maproulette.org

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