MapWarper is most terrific.

Another instance that might be of use to OSMers is the Wikimedia one, <> which allows warping of any map uploaded to Wikimedia Commons (i.e. has to be public domain or open licensed, so not 100% compatible with OSM). I've done a few. The resulting data can also be uploaded to OHM <>.

On 7/9/21 3:02 pm, Adam Horan wrote:
"what is it actually doing?"

You use it to correct/align old maps to modern maps. This enables browsing and overlays of old maps onto modern eg <> There's a WMS layer produced that can be shown in JOSM and others, see <> . I've no idea on the legals/copyright involved in utilising the information on these maps in OSM (even if data was still relevant all these years later)

On Tue, 7 Sept 2021 at 15:36, Graeme Fitzpatrick < <>> wrote:

    Interesting, but what is it actually doing?

    Is that "correcting" the original maps to align with OSM?

    I'm afraid to say that they have a lot to learn about explanatory
    videos, or was it only me that was silent, & kept dropping in &
    out of focus!



    On Tue, 7 Sept 2021 at 14:59, Adam Horan <
    <>> wrote:

        As a group of people interested in Australia, Maps,
        crowdsourcing and open data, I'm going to assume you'll also
        be interested in Map Warper. It's an online tool allowing
        alignment and rectification of old (any really) maps to

        I've been playing with the version hosted for Public Records
        Office Vic at
        There's 12091 old maps and plans on the site, some have been
        rectified, and some await rectification.

        I've been finding looking at these old maps absolutely
        fascinating. You can see which roads have moved or not, towns
        that were planned to be much larger and have shrunk, roads
        that have returned to tracks, or disappeared, original
        (Aboriginal sounding) place names that have been retained or
        lost. You can also appreciate the skill and accuracy of the
        surveyors of 100+ years ago, there are coastlines and rivers
        mapped in more detail here than in OSM.

        Usability is a bit average, but the content is interesting.


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