That's what I'd say about starting up using JOSM again, Andrew:  "start small." 
 If you've already got it up and running (proper Java runtime environment 
installed, a good command-line to start it, if that's how you do it...), yes, 
it can be intimidating:  like piloting a jet plane or an aircraft carrier!  But 
really, what you want to do is find the few "pedestrian" kinds of things you 
might do:  like splitting a way (select the node on the way, press p), doing a 
Find command for tags and all the other fancy syntax you can do in JOSM's Find 
dialog (find ways only, find things by their OSM identification #, exclude 
things you find from other things you INclude...), displaying "everything that 
is currently selected" (press the 3 key), shift-clicking to multiply-select, 
using more than one layer at a time (learn how simple it is to learn those 
checkboxes and "eyeball" icons in the Layers pane...) and so on.  A little bit 
at a time.  Just what you need to know to do a simple edit.  Then a slightly 
more complex edit with a new skill (keypress or menu selection...). And so on.  
You'll "ladder up" your skills just fine, it takes a bit of time and practice, 
like all things worth learning how to do.

Good luck, have fun, be resourceful (ask, read wiki...).  Mapping in OSM is 
meant to be FUN!
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