A simple observation that statewide GIS databases of millions of people and 
millions of land parcels and all the teething pains that come with that...you 
Down Under seem to be doing fine.  These don't sprout up overnight like 
mushrooms after rain.  Good to see the gears turning.  From conversations I see 
here, good people are talking to good people and from my view of seeing these 
things evolve in the states here (over decades of GIS development) you are 
ahead in some regards and everybody is catching up with each other.  I've seen 
three, four, five, ten iterations in GIS systems between "state agencies" (or 
pretty close to that with state data) and while the county does one thing and 
the state does another (even though the former is a division of the other) the 
way all the data blend (and can even be compared to, say, railroad companies or 
highway departments of transportation...) things DO slowly "watch each other" 
and blend into a harmony.  It can take a decade, or forever.  It unfolds as it 
unfolds, including here and now.

Good on ya; keep up the great work.

That Yank SteveA

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