I repeat something I have said a number of times, say for example, about 
bicycle infrastructure / routes.  Although it can be said about "pedestrian 
infrastructure / routes" pretty much one-for-one (as bicycle infrastructure / 
routes).  It is this:

There is "infrastructure" tagging, like highway=footway, highway=pedestrian, 
highway=track, highway=cycleway... and these are not in any particular 
"hierarchy," they simple "are" what they "are" (on the ground, validated and 
verified by eyeballs).

There is "route" tagging, which is putting elements of (roadway, cycleway, 
sidewalk, track, pedestrian walkway...) into a route relation.  If walking 
route, and part of the "local" network of routes, it's network=lwn.

If exactly these concepts are unfamiliar or the words DO NOT seem like they 
"fit" what you are trying to do, stop.  Back out and think a bit more.

There is infrastructure, and it doesn't really / necessarily / always / even 
usually "imply" routes.  THEN, there is route tagging, because a route is 
clear, and / or signed and / or assigned by a government or organization and is 
clearly marked on the ground (or is going to be once they get a crew out there 
with shovels and cement and erect the right signs).
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