

nobody says that the tagging isn't correct for cases where the bus_stop node
is the only thing there is.


But please look at:





This is a relatively normal bus stop. It clearly DOES have a distinct
platform. In which case the platform should be tagged on the area. 


Even if someone decides that's too much work and decides to only to map the
bus_stop node and throw the platform tag onto that, that's fine as long as
it happens on a case by case basis.


The issue is that this is an automated mass edit, where the user loaded all
highway=bus_stop nodes in Australia into JOSM via an overpass query, then
unconditionally added the platform tag to all of them (even ones that might
have already tagged a platform on an area close by), and committed these


Furthermore, the user in question was specifically pointed to the Automated
Edit Code of Conduct before making that change and wilfully ignored the







From: Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> 
Sent: Thursday, 13 January 2022 17:38
To: talk-au@openstreetmap.org
Subject: Re: [talk-au] Undiscussed, undocumented mass edit across all of



On 13/1/22 5:47 pm, osm.talk...@thorsten.engler.id.au
<mailto:osm.talk...@thorsten.engler.id.au>  wrote:


To quote my changeset comment:

This undiscussed, undocumented mass edit that didn't follow the
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Automated_Edits_code_of_conduct is
introducing a huge amount of incorrect data to the database and should be

public_transport=platform doesn't automatically go onto every
highway=bus_stop, only in cases where that's the only thing that's mapped. 

If there is an actual waiting area of any kind, the
public_transport=platform belongs on that instead.

see https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Public_transport#Buses


Umm from the above page 

"If there is no real platform and you will only find a simple sign for the
passengers .    
Add a node node at the location of the bus stop sign. It gets following

    name=<name> or ref=<reference number>
    optional: additional tags like shelter=yes/no, bench=yes/no, bin=yes/no,


In most instances in Australia all there is is a 'bus stop sign' and shelter
with bench if your lucky. So in the majority of cases the tagging would be



I think this came about from 'public transport version 2'. I don't know if
it is 'required'. 

Personally I see platforms for trains, wharf? for ferries and usually
nothing for buses.  

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