public_transport=platform should not be unconditionally removed from any

It should be added to any newly mapped highway=bus_stop IF that single node
is the only thing of the bus stop that's being mapped.

It should in fact be added to existing highway=bus_stop that are missing it,
after review on a case by case basis, and not as a mass edit, if that
bus_stop is the only thing that's mapped.

Where things are less clear, which will probably require some discussion to
sort out, and which is why I was opposed to the undiscussed mass edit, is
what exactly should happen when there is an actual platform present, AND it
is mapped explicitly in some way,
which I would consider the case to be here:
(please consider the text I added to these images as my opinion on that
matter not as clear current consensus)

The revert of the mass edit happened because it is that, an undiscussed mass
edit, not because of the merits, or lack thereof, of the contents of the
edit. The discussion about the merits of the edit never happened because it
didn't follow the laid out process.


-----Original Message-----
From: Warin <> 
Sent: Wednesday, 19 January 2022 16:38
Subject: [talk-au] Removing platform for bus stops Was Re: Talk-au Digest,
Vol 175, Issue 22

On 19/1/22 5:15 pm, Nick Hocking wrote:
> Anthony wrote
> "Creating new Bus Stop nodes
> Is the consensus to remove the plaform tags from new nodes?"
> I'm not sure I understand.
> If you are creating a new bus stop node, then there won't be any tags 
> to remove, platform or otherwise.

I think he is thinking of removing platform tags from bus stop following hte
'unauthorized addition' of them.

Basically this has already be done.

Note 1: I have changed the thread title to reflect the subject while still
containing the original subject.

Note 2: Anthony .. please clarify what the question is, thanks.

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