On Feb 19, 2022, at 4:11 PM, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Someone is mapping a 'train tour' into OSM.
> Should such things be mapped?

Yes.  As someone who extensively maps rail infrastructure relations 
(route=railway) as well as both passenger routes (route=train, 
route=light_rail, route=tram, route=monorail...) which are "typical passenger 
trains" (like commuter lines, light rail, urban trams, airport-style 
monorails...) AND passenger routes on rail which are "heritage / tourist / 
museum" trains, it is clear to many in OSM that these deserved to be mapped:  
they are quite extensively.

Additionally, sometimes the (subtle, see above!) tagging schemes (not to 
mention PTv1 and PTv2 differences) for these differing kinds of passenger rail 
services (passenger=international, passenger=national, passenger=regional, 
passenger=suburban, passenger=urban, passenger=local) need explaining.  
Sometimes, such "tourist" routes deserve to be tagged "passenger=local" (or 
maybe urban, depending on length and speed), if they provide some modicum of 
passenger service (in addition to the touristic or "heritage / museum" kinds of 
services).  Other times, a passenger=* tag doesn't belong, as the trains are 
only for excursion or educational purposes.

For a rich example, please see 
https://wiki.osm.org/wiki/California/Railroads/Passenger , especially the last 
section:  "Tourism, museum, heritage and historic (possibly passenger=local) 

Do recall that it is typical around the world for there to be TWO route 
relations associated with such a passenger route:  the underlying 
infrastructure (route=railway) and the passenger route proper (route=train / 
light_rail / tram / monorail...).  The latter have Public Transport Version 1 
and Version 2 variants.  Additionally, Germany often has a third relation (at 
the "bottom" of this hierarchy of routes) known as route=tracks, which isn't 
often found outside of Western Europe.  Australia appears to be a place where 
route=tracks relations are seldom, if ever, found.

Thank you for asking.
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