Bob, does Dian's latest draft address some of your concerns?



On Sat, 16 Apr 2022 at 14:39, Bob Cameron <> wrote:

> Sorry I cant see where to add these points to the wiki, nor see the edit
> evolution. No doubt I'll see some disagreements, but anyway!
> - Regarding "No Camping" signs within the rest area category. (Although
> it could apply to any location)
> It seems a bit long winded and not really useful for rendering
> (boo-hiss-grin) that there is no direct correlation with camping keys.
> The general "on the ground" camping  that happens seems to be a case of
> "anywhere that isn't excluded", so it makes logical sense to "name" a
> (non) camping site, who says so,  then mark it as access=no.
> Rendering/reporting (boo/hiss) should exclude access=no from viable sites.
> No doubt it contras the ROW wiki but things are not the same everywhere.
> And realising that camping/staying is an incredibly complex subject that
> will get even worse as more population elects to stay mobile. People
> will need to know what public places they aren't welcome in.
> Also in rest areas section
> - One of the dramas with local council (ie not highway) rest areas as
> leisure=park is that the name is often the park name (only/already), so
> the existence of the blue rest area "picnic table and tree" sign doesn't
> really correlate. Naming a parking area works, but it isn't a rest area.
> I don't have an answer for that one, although keep in mind that one of
> the standard sub tags in "rest area" is operator.
> - Designated vs yes for hgv. I seem to remember that we don't input
> legislation "stuff", but what is on the ground. I would prefer to think
> "designated" (always) means there is a P+truck sign up, whereas "yes"
> means it happens or is (judgement) possible. Informal parking/rest areas
> would only ever have yes or no. This doesn't change the tagging so much
> in the guidelines but the prewording to what the tag and road signs
> actually equate to. I wonder if it is worth a few graphics?
> - Vehicle parking sizes have worried me for a while. hgv's can double in
> size. Perhaps it should be a based on B-Double sizes? I don't have a
> viable answer for this as there will be data out there already. What
> does NHVR do for its informal (green dot) rest areas? (To do with
> capacity or size)
> Cheers
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