Hi Anthony (slice0),


Can I suggest the best way to get some resolution is to actually spell out
in a changeset comment why you think the change made by Swavu is incorrect.
That way everyone gets to learn from 'conflicts'. I also suggest you
restrain your language or you may also face the wrath of the DWG.


PS Swavu is not a bot.


Cheers - Phil (tastrax)


From: Anthony Panozzo <pan...@outlook.com> 
Sent: Saturday, 30 April 2022 12:46 AM
To: talk-au@openstreetmap.org
Subject: Re: [talk-au] Talk-au Digest, Vol 178, Issue 44


User TheSwavu

This account is either a bot account or someone that thinks they know more
than they actually do, every single time anybody does a routing correction
this account comes along and "fixes" it based on "knowledge" from the notes,
let me just say I looked over some of the edit this account does and it
breaks the routing for the most part, Changeset: 120344373 | OpenStreetMap
<https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/120344373>  and Changeset:
120198383 | OpenStreetMap
1>  are two examples of this account breaking routing, ive been wasting my
time spending hours and hours fixing routing just for this shitty bot to
come along and fuck it all up over and over again, I would like to ask DWG
to take a real close look at this account and see if it can be banned from
any further edits under the bot edit policy or straight out vandalism! 



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