On Jul 27, 2022, at 1:02 AM, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 27/7/22 17:13, Mateusz Konieczny via Talk-au wrote:
>> is it clearly signposted as cannabis factory farm at its location?

I sincerely doubt this would ever happen, but if it did, you can bet their 
security is much, much better than any bad intentions you might have.  BTW, 
“mapping” (per se, as we do in OSM), is not a “bad intention.”  (I’d say it’s a 
GOOD intention).

> No. A friend of mine went past such a farm on a back road... and was pulled 
> over for questioning.. just for going past. There are no signs nor any 
> publicity about there existence. They don't want people to know as as to stop 
> some people coming by to take some of the crop.

If the “farm back road” were private, I can see a landowner / their agent being 
able to do this or something like it to trespass you.  If the road were public, 
only police could “pull you over for questioning,” and besides, this is 
bullshit, as you had committed no crime or traffic infraction.  Who cares if 
“they don't want people to know”?  There is a farm there:  map it.

I don’t follow Warin’s story about what his friend did or what happened; 
something doesn’t sound right about that.

> Simply map it as farm land. The crop may change .. e.g. crop rotation.

You could.  But if it weren’t posted, but, say, you personally know of it 
otherwise, and it is verifiable (perhaps you could look in local records to 
find a business license or something like that), you could still map it.  It 
feels like there is a lot that isn’t being said here.  Graeme put “secret” in 
quotes, but there really isn’t such a thing when it comes to mapping, am I not 
correct?  If YOU know "something is right here,” and it is verifiable, there 
aren’t any secrets.
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