Hi Brendan

Firstly Background:
It took a while but I got the OSM attribution right at https://engage.vic.gov.au. In the process a representative of engage.vic said words to the effect that the state government was a strong supporter of open source and open data. I read that that the time is right to get OSM as the base map of choice for government maps.

Secondly, the idea. Parks Victoria has a lot of interpretive signage which they cannot afford to replace when it is graffiti'd or damaged. When everybody has a smart phone, virtual signage is far cheaper. It also leaves the natural environment uncluttered. Virtual signs could be marked by QR codes or marked in an app similar to geocaching and Pokemon Go.

If anybody can make that an Volunteering Innovation Fund project they are welcome to the idea.


Hi all,

The Volunteering Innovation Fund is a key new initiative under the
Victoria?s Great Outdoors Program, which seeks to get more Victorians, from
all walks of life outdoors enjoying nature.

Funding is available for a broad range of innovative volunteering projects
on Victorian Crown land that benefit heritage and cultural values and
improve the natural environment. Projects should:
* invite more Victorians to volunteer in and for the environment
* have the ability to leave a legacy (can be
continued/expanded/extended/re-invigorated in the future); and
* be a new method, idea, item, event or service.

If anyone is interested in putting together a proposal involving OSM
volunteers mapping Victorian crown land, or develop a new volunteer service
which leverages OSM data, please let me know.

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