Hi Bob,

Is there any reason why you cant just export to GPX from overpass and then
drag and drop the GPX file into ID (edit mode) for all the locations ?

Repeat the process after you have done some edits and you will get the
remaining unedited locations.

Cheers - Phil

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Cameron <bob3b...@skymesh.com.au> 
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2023 4:14 PM
To: OSM Australian Talk List <talk-au@openstreetmap.org>
Subject: [talk-au] Overpass question

A question for an overpass expert.

I am cleaning up a lot of the parking tags I have created so they follow the
same rules etc. I have successfully generated a text list of nodes where I
can cut/paste the co-ords into the ID editor to research/fix as needed. This
was done with a gpsbabel command line on the exported gpx into unicsv.

Way/area tags are not so simple. gpsbbel yields zero output. Is there
function in overpass that will just extract the first node of the way, or
possibly the centre co-ords of the polygon? That will be good enough to get
me close enough.


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