On Sun, 13 Sep 2009 20:26:36 +0200, Pieren wrote
> On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 7:56 PM, Ben Laenen <benlae...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'd say, just upload whatever you have in Belgium. We don't have access to 
> > the
> > CLC, and I don't think we'll ever have it, as our National Geographic
> > Institution is selling them at [WINDOWS-1252?]€2500
http://www.ngi.be/NL/NL1-5-4.shtm (site
> > currently down) -- and I don't think we'd be able to use it for OSM even if
> > we'd buy it.
> Ok, thanks for the reply. Our contact at the french ministry said 
> that opening the licence for Corine (for free and commercial reuse)
>  is also discussed at the european level. But so far, only two countries
> changed their licence.
> > Will there be a way to also get the polygons which weren't uploaded because
> > they would overlap already existing polygons? Since CLC is likely more
> > accurate than the polygons there are now near the French border.
> Yes, at the moment, we prepare one big osm file for the import of non
> overlapping polygones. The others are also in several .osm files
> sorted by categories (forest, water, landuse, etc) but we still don't
> know exactly how we will make them available for manual consolidations
> (ideally a wms server).


It would be very interesting to see our European geographic data, which were 
collected with public money, freed for public usage !

Juste retour des choses...


> regards
> Pieren
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Dr Alain EMPAIN, Bioinformatics, Bryology
  National Botanic Garden of Belgium            alain.emp...@br.fgov.be
  University of Liège, GIGA +1, Alma-in-silico  alain.emp...@ulg.ac.be 
  Rue des Martyrs, 11 B-4550 Nandrin
Mobile: +32 497 701764  HOME:+32 85 512341   ULG: +32 4 3664157

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