It might also be interesting to follow up changes. Frequently minor railway
crossings are removed, sometimes new parallel roads are constructed to a
nearby crossing. As this happens most often on the smallest, rarely used
crossings they might stay unnoticed by mappers, even if they are published
in the 'staatsblad' that everyone is supposed to read every morning at

Luc / Speedy

On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 9:50 AM, Kenny Knecht <>wrote:

> That would be great!
> The information we could use is primarily the locations of railway stations
> and the exact traces of railways. Also exact traces within big railway
> stations might be handy... Gpx files would be easiest, but SHP files or some
> other GIS data format is also feasable.
> It's nice to have some-one asking the information from the inside. I wish
> we had some-one like for de lijn, Tec etc
> Kenny
> 2010/1/14 Loïc Froidmont <>
>> Hello,
>> I'm using OSM a lot since two year, and I think is time to jump in and
>> help making it even better.
>> I saw that railroad for belgium is good, but not complete.
>> I'm currently working at Infrabel and for my job, I have access to
>> infrastructure database with a lot of information that could be usefull for
>> OSM
>> Of course, I will not give anything out without explicite acknowlgement
>> from Infrabel.
>> Could you give me more informations on which data could be ussefull for
>> OSM. I could then see where I can get the information from and see how I can
>> get the permission from Infrabel to publish those!
>> Also, if some persoon already have contact with people in Infrabel, it
>> could be usefull that I contact then.
>> Hoping I will be able to help.
>> Loic Froidmont
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