2010/3/11 Ben Abelshausen <ben.abelshau...@gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> I may have the opportunity to contribute to OSM in a pretty extensive way
> but i'm not sure if it is doable or usefull.
> We are a delivery company and we have distribution rounds but they are
> stricly abstract; no mapping is involved, just lists of streets. We want to
> import these round into a mapping system to calculate possible times,
> distances, related costs, etc...We would do this by physically giving the
> deliverers a gps-tracing device and importing these traces into the system.
> Once for each round. We would redo this when new streets are needed that are
> not on the map.
> Because we are a small company we will not be able to buy maps so OSM is
> the best option for us. We want to contribute by uploading our gps traces.
> Now i have a few questions is this regard:
> - How is the map evolving (specifically in the area of flanders). Are there
> lots of mappers? How accurate are the maps already?

I think the map is 100% accurate, but not 100% complete. The bits and pieces
that are there are correct, but not all bits and pieces are on the map yet.

Concering Antwerp: > 90% is done i think.

> - Is it usefull to upload just the gps traces and can we then count on the
> OSM-community to name the streets etc...?

Yes please.

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