On Mon, 5 Apr 2010, Kenny Knecht wrote:

> Here is the final scheme for the mapping party on Sunday April 18.
> - 9u45am till 10am: for people who like that, we gather at the railway
> station of Deinze. This is not explicitly necessary: I have made a cake
> diagram, so people who prefer that can start at another moment can just pick
> their piece and go on the road. Here you can take a peek at it:
> http://maps.google.be/maps/ms?hl=nl&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=115156197198343391457.0004820fe7d0e9e1e145b&ll=51.007598,3.552532&spn=0.063187,0.177326&z=13
> .
That's nice way to the cake diagrm! I like it.

> I would have liked to get hold of the trackers which are managed by OSM
> belgium but although I have asked twice and offer to pick theme up, I did
> not any reaction. A pity: some people are willing to join but have no
> tracker! Ivo?
I seriously plan to attend. And I'll bring 2 locosys trackers. If things 
turn out to change, then I'll send them by mail 3 days in advance of the 
mapping party.

Kind regards,

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