On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 12:41 PM, Ben Laenen <benlae...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Klaas Gadeyne wrote:
> > This way is currently tagged as trunk_link
> > <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Link_(highway)>.  However, (at
> > least in Belgium) trunk roads are prohibited for bicycles.
> Well, yes and no. Yes for 99% of trunks in Belgium, but there are exceptions,
> particularly at crossroads where one wouldn't downgrade small pieces of road.
> Take for example a crossing between two dual carriage roads, one trunk, the
> other primary: you wouldn't split the trunk at the crossing to downgrade it on
> that little bit to primary.
> I wouldn't use links for these bits either: links are primarily for ramps (op-
> en afritten) to the road, like those on motorways.
> > So it seems like trunk_link ways are also "bicycles prohibited".  Does
> > anyone have a suggestion/thought on how to fix this?
> >
> > - Changing trunk_link into primary_link seems weird (and only solves
> > the problem locally)
> I usually tag these small ways between two lanes of a dual carriage road with
> the same classification of the crossing roads, in this case
> highway=unclassified. But there's no strict rule on this AFAIK, even though we
> could really use one...
> (Also, preferably keep this little way as a separate way, i.e. don't join with
> the crossing roads)

I'm not sure I understand you, unless you've made a typo:  With
"crossing roads", I assumed you meant the Celestijnenlaan
(<http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/72912809> and northern
counterpart).  However, these both are tagged as residential (and not
as unclassified)??  [*]

(Note: Tagging the small way as residential seems also the solution
Gerard suggests in his reply)

[snip section about possibly adding other tags]



[*] In fact, you are partly right in the sense that way 72912809 (in
fact the whole Celestijnenlaan south of Koning Boudewijnlaan)
shouldn't be tagged as residential, as it's full of university
buildings and companies...

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