Hi Nicolas,

On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 21:30, Nicolas Pettiaux <nico...@pettiaux.be> wrote:

> I am the one who tried that years ago because I happened to know the
> person in charge. He was receptive but not convinced, and as a member
> of the administration, he wanted a recognized partner (= a company or
> a well recognized, legal organization) to deal with. Such a partner,
> as he viewed it should have to be preferably Belgian.

As you might know, I'm the developer of Merkaartor, the third most used OSM
editor and I'm a from Brussels. Do you think it might help?

> I tried to get in touch with the OSM foundation to start some
> negocation, but it appeared to me quickly that the owner of the URBIS
> data was not going to be easy ... and also that the added value of the
> URBIS data to the OSM map that is already good for Brussels would be
> limited.

Besides the actual cadastre, this came to me because I was looking at a
neighborhood of Anderlecht, quite completely drawn but without any street
names, which is a shame.
If we could use the tiles at http://geoloc.irisnet.be/ to get the street
names, it would be a big plus, IMHO.

> One point that could lead to another contact is that now OSM has
> really evolved, and received more data from public authorities (eg
> French cadastre, UK ordonce survey, French cities data in Rennes ...)
> and the URBIS data contain the cadastre for Brussels.

Indeed, OSM has grown tremendously the past 2 years and has received both
recognition and support by big players.
Considering the ".be" approach of the belgian administration, having major
cities like Brussels completely mapped in OSM is a no cost win for the
Belgian "tech" image, I think..

Do you think you could try again to get in touch with your contact?
Also, as you might know, there is a french (albeit living in England) in the
OSMF, now, Emilie Laffray, who might be more receptive to Belgian issues...

- Chris -
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