Lennard wrote:

In the example (in the ticket) that node is also the endpoint of
way, and it does do a contination of *that*. However, it's made out to
appear that selecting a non-endpoint node of a way and then drawing from
that will produce a continuation. Not so.

No, you didn't understand the examples. I never sayed that a road was
boken up in the middle and then continued. It is just when you start a

I was not saying that either.

This is exactly what happens when editing at node 803205990.

This is exactly what I described.

I don't want to go into this futher, but your interpretations of my examples were not right: Quotes: - The example in the ticket (starting from a node in the middle of a way produces a continuation) is convoluted as well. - However, it's made out to appear that selecting a non-endpoint node of a way and then drawing from that will produce a continuation. Not so.

As most often, you intend to add a new road, the default behaviour
should be like that.

I think it comes down to being of another mindset. For me, clicking an end
node to continue that way seems the natural thing to do. If it so happens
that end node is part of a crossing, so be it. I have to remember to use
ALT if I want to start a new way at the crossing.

Of course, I could be entirely spoilt from having worked this way in JOSM
for years. I thought Potlatch did the exact same thing.

No, it does not ! Tested with the example node and an unnamed new road was created (you need shift to start drawing from the selected node) in Potlatch 2.
Can you even do continuation of an existing road in Potlatch?

What is the
handling in Merkaartor for this situation?

According to the docs, you have the choice by having the node selected or not, when creating a new road..
and the paragraph below

JOSM will always make a continuation unless stopped by the ALT-key.

(Count once your ways when editing and compare extended existing versus
added new ways)

That's not a fair comparison.

Often enough when adding new ways, you are *not* at a junction with
another way endpoint. You might be starting a new way in the middle of
nowhere, or branching off of another way, but *not* at a junction.

In my experience, when adding new ways, starting one at an 'endpoint
junction' is the exception.

This makes it even more execptional and illogical, that when you are drawing, you get always a new way and suddenly a new way fails and your added way is incorporated in an existing way. But OK, narrow down the counts just for the cases in which JOSM would be doing automatic prolongation and I'm still confident that you would see you are more using the ALT key then not, when adding way segments.

The splitting and additional obfuscating happens, while this seems the
obvious way for most users of getting out of this unexpected alongation.
For some messy results see my examples Verstrekenstraat and Jachtdreef.

I can actually agree with your other point, being that when splitting a
way, the existing ID should stay with the longest fragment. You might
modify your JOSM ticket to emphasize that part, or perhaps even better:
start a new ticket with just that request (with a reference to the current
I won't .
If no other users are asking, the developer won't change its point of view or anything in JOSM regarding these two problems..
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