> Do you know this person that presented to
> 'Trage Wegen'? Is he/she on this list?

That would be me.

A few thing that you should imho take care of while introducing OSM to
people that do not know it:
* Ask yourself what your public wants (kind of data, mapping uncharted
regions, only using the maps...) and stick to that. You can mention
the possibilities of OSM but don't give any details of topics they
don't care about. E.g. if those people care about mapping jungle roads
you can mention that it is possible to add bus stops and create a
public transport route planner, but that should be the last word about
that. They simply won't care about the relations and everything.
* Provide visual examples of the power of OSM. One of the best moments
of my presentation was when I showed on a map on my website a track
that I made in the Wicklow Mountains a few weeks prior to the
presentation. I started with a Google Maps background where the track
went through grey void. Then I switched to the OSM background that
showed all the paths in the region. No more explanation needed.
You could make a similar comparison for an African region where
commercial maps are worthless but OSM shows a lot of roads (or even
only paths, they are very important in those regions). Also the Haiti
project could be of interest to them.

I will send you the simple quick-and-dirty presentation that I made.
You can use it as a starting point or inspiration.

If your public is not very geeky and new to OSM, I think you should
stick to the Potlach editor. More information will only confuse them.
I think we made a mistake here in Haaltert by introducing them also to


"Wie niet in zichzelf gelooft, komt nergens."
                                       - Thor Heyerdahl

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