2012/1/20  <talk-be-requ...@openstreetmap.org>:>   - Als we straten
maar verwijderen net voor we de nieuwe er op zetten, om>   voorgaande
problemen op te lossen, dan bestaat het gevaar dat we de oude>   OSM
data gebruiken om die opnieuw er op te zetten (wat ons in een>
twijfelachtige situatie brengt qua copyright. Ik wil zeker
tegenstanders>   van ODBL geen reden geven om OSM aan te klagen)


do you mean that I need to prove that I actually was in a certain
street before I can remove and remap it ? Do you still have all data
(on paper, gps track, photo, etc.) of everything that you ever mapped

What about landuse ? This is always mapped from satellite images ( I
assumue). So why should one wait until it disappeared before mapping
it again ?
An example is the Lippelobos (close to Lippelo - what a surprise ;-)
)  I know it's called Lippelobos, I've been there before, so I can
remove the current area, and use Bing satellite images to remap it.
But you say I have to wait until it's actually gone ?

What about streets that I've passed when I surveyed for the
knooppunten ? I did not write down the name of the streets because
they were there. If I had known they would we lost, I would have noted
them down.
It's also easier when I delete/re-add the streets now than loose them
and my own mapping work above them.



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