Very nice work. I like it a lot.

Can I make a few suggestions?

1. You really should distinguish between the brown dashes. Your maps
is meant for cyclists so think like a cyclist. Now the RAVeL, the
tracks at Sart-Tilman, Boverie and Montagne de Bueren all look the
same. I think we can agree that a cyclist would like to see the
difference. For a cyclist the difference between a motorway and a
trunk is irrelevant. On the other hand you really should use a
different style for cycleways and steps.

The other suggestions are less important and something to consider
when you have the time:
2. Reproject to Lambert or some other local coordinate system. WGS84
looks so flattened at our latitudes.
3. Your copyright notice is escaping from its box.
4. Adding a legend will make the map more "stand-alone".

But a very nice result. I hope you don't take this too negative.


On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 5:07 PM, Julien Fastré <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I think it is a pleasure to know that our contributions are re-used...
> So, I share my first map, made with openstreetmap data (you had guessed
> it!).
> I uploaded the map on wikimedia commons :
> We are going to use this map for an animation on a cyclist's meeting on
> Saturday, organized by the GRACQ in Liège (if you live in Liège and are
> cyclist, you are welcome !). The map is printed on a A0 page.
> All the style and instructions if you want to re-use it are on my page
> on the openstreetmap's wiki :
> *I would like to thanks all contributors in Liège :-) *
> Julien
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